Saturday, November 17, 2007

Amber- see- Moomoo is doing fine

We're watching Amber's dog Moomoo while she gets herself settled in Calgary

My favorita Picture of Vanessa -11/07

Group shot - after many, many, many tries we finally had a picture we could use!

Halloween Day- Peter Pan

Since this is there last Halloween altogether for a while we again picked a theme - last year it was "The Wizard of Oz" this year it is "Peter Pan" as usual we did a sewing marathon the week before.

Philip and the grandkids winding clock

Philip & Eddy Bear

Philip thought Ethan (Eddy Bear) needed a little help with his pumpking and decided to try drawing it first on Eddy Bears tummy- he loved it.
Ethan (Vanessa & Chris's son) got his nick name as Mackenzie (Wade & Rachel's daughter) couldn't say Ethan and called him Eddy - and he growls alot - just because he can- and so hence
Eddy Bear

Pumpkin Patch-Roanoke, VA

We had a great time at getting our pumpkins this year - all the Mom (& Nana) took all the kids to a farm that had rides, corn maze, games, animals and a nice picnik area - we had a great day, put boy were we tired when it was time to come home.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

We headed to the park on 10/7 after Mackenzie's B-Day. This is the whole gang of our grandchildren, cutie-pies aren't they.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Women Power @ Mom's 80th

A great time, great food and wonderful memories were relived, added to and new ones made at the party.

All the Willmott Men Folk

Had to use a very wide lens to get all these handsome Willmott men in at Philip's Mom's 80th Birthday bash!

Visiting the Niagara Falls

We had a wondeful visit, though short, to see the Falls and then onto a Birthday celebration at the Toronto Temple for Philip's Mom's 80th also got to see some long time friends at the Birthday, the next day and then as we visited our old home Ward in Kitchener
**Misty, Tucker, Ty & Philip

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Whole Gang!!

Hail, Hail the gangs
all here 8/07
**the different colors represent the different families**

Bedtime - right Ha!

Nate(Vanessa & Chris-son)

Tucker (Misty & Ian-son)

Like they are really going to go to sleep - this is funtime

Sister Power

Samantha & Kayla (Vanessa' & Chris daughter) they are power sister's together!

Grandkids raiding Nana's pantry

Mackenzie(Wade & Rachel daughter), Ethen (Vanessa & Chris son) & Ty(Misty & Ian's boy):

Where does Poppy hide his junk food stash? We know it's here somewhere!!