Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Papa-Grandchildrens jungle gymn

Tucker, Ty & Mackenzie love to use Papa as a jungle gymn, whenever they can

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fun with Tucker & Ty

We had so much fun watching Tucker & Ty this week- they truely are the dynamite brothers. If you look really close in the background of the picture of Ty by himself you can see a deer eating by the driveway

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July

This weekend was the 4th of July- we went over to Wade & Rahael's home- each year they have a block party were all the neighbors invite family and friends to help celebrate this special day with a parade(Mackenzie was in the parade on her very own hummer), games for the children(Mackenzie loved the cookie on a string game), potluck dinner and a bunch of other things.
With fireworks at the end. Here's the highlights of this day.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Some were over the Rainbow!

After a day at the lake we got a little rain and then took this beautiful picture of a rainbow from our front porch.

A day at the lake

We had the Dynamite Boys (Tucker & Ty) for Friday night and Saturday. So we called Wade, Rachael & Mackenzie and off we went Saturday morning- what a fun day to enjoy family and the water.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Amber's chimes

Amber brought us these chimes from her trip to the Phillipines 2 weeks ago- it will sound great on the back porch

The Story of the Mandarin Bowl

Russ gave me this bowl and said that I had to display this bowl it in our home. I tried to get the story from Russ (no go) Phil (another no go) anyone know the story of this bowl- please, please let me know- it's driving me crazy. So...Russ here's the bowl- what's the story?

Rocking Gramma's

Partying to the end- lots of moves and grooves

This party is rocking

Party Hearty

Wake & Philip's Birthday

Aunt Grace Bell's Funeral

6/198/08-Grace Bell Funeral

We drove up to Toronto for Philip's Aunt Grace's Funeral- we were able to see a lot of old friends & family- even though it was a sad time- I think Aunt Grace would have been right beside us laughing haming it up.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Chris coming into Little Old Roanoke, Virginia

We all had fun visiting with Chris when he flew
into Roanoke on his way to Phillie. Though Tucker, Mackenzie & Ty were wondering where Nate & Ethan were?

Chris arriving in little old Roanoke, Virginia

Chris is doing the driving on this big bird!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Again as you can see were are having a blast!

Wonderful days in Paradise


All of our children, their spouses and Philip's parents went and we had a terrific time. Amber even surprised us with a stage performance- she sang in front of the whole cruise ship - They had a look a like night were the people on board performed- she was Britney Spears- the younger version- it was so.... fun!!

Our Family Cruise

We had been planning this cruise for the last 1 1/2 years- and finally the time came. We had so much fun, all of our children and their spouses and Philip's parents were able to come, no children. We left out of Tampa for a 7 day cruise to the Caribeanian and were we spoiled. Here are just some of the highlights.