Sunday, September 13, 2009


JULY 2009

We all had a blast up at Smith Mountain Lake this summer

Friday, June 19, 2009

Trouble with a capital T&T

Coo............ll. Tucker & Ty (grandchildren)visiting for the day- nothing like a 4 wheeler, potato chips and lemonade.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Willmott Pets

This morning down by the driveway these deer decided to take a nap- from about 8 until noon - even with Misty driving right past them they just looked up and then back to their nap.

T& T Boys

We had a Tucker & Ty sleep over while Misty & Ian went to Washington, we had a lot of fun
and they were helpingout by watering the plant etc. We even wet to Lowe's and they got tomake something for Ian for Father's Day.Take a look at the roses- aren't they beautiful!! The first ones I haven't killed- YET!

2008/2009 Valerie's Seminary Class

Canyon, Loreto, Justine
Sterling, Elyas,Josh,Gary,Daniel,Jordan
Taylor, Emily,Jessica, Emily, Michael
**missing Lauren & Julia(will add them later)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Spring Prom

We went to help chaperone a formal type dance at the church- usually Philip wears a suite and tie. Well, last year one of the men (Pres.) wore a bow tie and Philip said that's what I've got to get. We spend a good part of Saturday looking for a tie and hankie thing, finally found one that would work. Then the work began, this wasn't no ordinary bow tie already tied- you had to tie it yourself, that created the problem. He spent about 1 1/2 hrs. in front of the mirror trying to follow the written instructions the store had given him-it was a no go. Then we tried UTUBE (for another 1/2 hr.) there sure is a lot of stuff on tying bow ties-at first that didn't work either, as you can't watch the picture and see what your doing. We fixed that problem with a mirror in front of the computer screen.
This is the result- isn't he lookin good??

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yard Work

Philip was sick and stayed home sleeping & watching TV - QVC- BAD idea. We now have 5 rose bushes- and no place to put them. So we asked Ian to build a rose trevis and this is the beauty that we ended up with- it's perfect. As the kids living out of town were wondering what it looked like here you go. Also,Philip & I have been busy beaver- since the deer demolished our garden last year and Ian made this great fence we decided to move the garden into the fence area - it's been about 3 weeks - so far no deer have gotten in not even into our Hosta's - could this have been what we should have done 9 years ago?????
Those plants growing off the side of the screen porch our tomatoes- we made out own topsey turfey tomate planter with those big plastic buckets, we just drilled holes in the bottom & sides- some of the bottom ones died, put on a whole they look great

Mackenzie's Pre-school music & art show

Wade & Rachel's daughter - she's the onein the pink pants and white Tshirt with the butterfly on. Mackenzie (3 yrs) is now finished with pre-school until the fall. This little girl loves to sing and proved it again on this day.

Daytona Beach Florida

Had a working holladay in Daytona - learned a bunch of interesting things for the business, but was able to relax- somewhat.

Charleston, SC

We had a great time in Charleston South Carolina- we were on our way to a trade show and headed out early to visit this charming town. It's right on the ocean, has cobblestone streets, horse drawn carriages and great sea food.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Family gathering- Philip having fun with Tucker today

Saturday, April 11, 2009


We had a BBQ/ Easter Celebration on the 11th- with an Easter egg hunt in our back yard for the grandchildren-just family hanging out, and they watched the movie "Boltz"

Newest US citizen

On April 9th Misty was declared a US citizen- this has been one long road - and hopefully it will get shorter for the rest of us now!